Introduction to React
- What is React?
- Why use React?
- Setting up the development environment
2. React Basics
- Understanding JSX
- Components: Functional and Class Components
- Props and State
- Handling Events
3. Advanced Components
- Lifecycle Methods in Class Components
- Hooks: useState, useEffect
- Conditional Rendering
- Lists and Keys
4. Styling in React
- Inline Styling
- CSS Modules
- Styled-components
5. State Management
- Context API
- Introduction to Redux
- Setting up Redux in a React Application
- Reducers and Actions
- Connecting Redux with React Components
6. Routing
- React Router Basics
- Nested Routes
- Route Parameters
- Redirects and Navigation
7. Form Handling
- Controlled Components
- Uncontrolled Components
- Form Validation
- Handling Form Submissions
8. Fetching Data
- Using Fetch API
- Axios
- Handling API Requests
- Error Handling
9. Performance Optimization
- Code Splitting
- React.memo and useMemo
- useCallback
- Lazy Loading Components
10. Testing in React
- Introduction to Testing
- Testing Components with Jest
- Using React Testing Library
- Snapshot Testing
11. React Developer Tools
- Debugging with React DevTools
- Profiling Components
12. Building and Deploying React Applications
- Creating a Production Build
- Deploying to Netlify
- Deploying to Vercel
- Hosting on GitHub Pages
13. Working with Third-party Libraries
- Integrating with UI Libraries (e.g., Material-UI, Bootstrap)
- Using React Router with Redux
- Form Libraries (e.g., Formik, React Hook Form)
14. Advanced Concepts
- Higher-Order Components
- Render Props
- Portals
- Error Boundaries
15. Real-world Projects
- Building a To-Do App
- Creating a Weather App
- Developing a Blog with React and Markdown
- Building an E-commerce Site
16. React and TypeScript
- Setting up a React project with TypeScript
- TypeScript basics for React developers
- Typing props and state
- Using TypeScript with hooks
17. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
- Introduction to SSR
- Setting up a Next.js project
- Static Site Generation (SSG) vs. SSR
- Dynamic routing with Next.js
18. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) with React
- Introduction to PWAs
- Setting up a React app as a PWA
- Service Workers
- Adding offline support and push notifications
19. Animations in React
- CSS transitions and animations
- Using React Transition Group
- Advanced animations with Framer Motion
20. React and GraphQL
- Introduction to GraphQL
- Setting up Apollo Client with React
- Writing GraphQL queries and mutations
- Managing local state with Apollo Client
21. Custom Hooks
- Writing your own hooks
- Reusing logic with custom hooks
- Best practices for custom hooks
22. Internationalization (i18n)
- Introduction to internationalization
- Using react-intl for i18n
- Handling multiple languages and locales
- Formatting dates and numbers
23. Context API in-depth
- Creating and providing context
- Consuming context with hooks
- Performance considerations with context
24. State Management Alternatives
- Using Zustand for state management
- Recoil state management
- MobX with React
25. Real-time Applications
- Introduction to WebSockets
- Setting up a real-time chat application
- Integrating Socket.IO with React
26. Microfrontends
- Introduction to microfrontends
- Implementing microfrontends with React
- Using module federation in Webpack 5
27. Code Quality and Best Practices
- Linting with ESLint
- Formatting with Prettier
- Setting up a CI/CD pipeline for React projects
28. Advanced Hooks
- useReducer for complex state logic
- useRef and useImperativeHandle
- useLayoutEffect vs. useEffect
29. Integrating with Backend Services
- Authentication with JWT
- Integrating with Firebase
- Using Supabase with React
30. SEO for React Applications
- Importance of SEO for single-page applications
- Implementing SEO in React with React Helmet
- SEO best practices for React apps
31. Building a Design System
- Introduction to design systems
- Creating reusable components
- Documenting components with Storybook
32. Accessibility in React
- Importance of accessibility
- Making components accessible
- Tools and libraries for accessibility testing
33. Advanced Component Patterns
- Compound components pattern
- Render props pattern
- Controlled vs. uncontrolled components
34. Integrating with CMS
- Using Contentful with React
- Setting up a blog with React and
- Building a headless CMS with Strapi and React
35. Real-world Application Case Studies
- Building a real-time dashboard
- Developing a task management app
- Creating a custom CRM system with React